Comprehensive introduction of granite stones

In this article prepared by the content team of KMC Stone Company, we will explain about the types of granite stones.

Granite, a hard stone and one of the most abundant types of rocks, divides into two categories based on its formation stages: inner and outer. Outer formations, such as basalt and rhyolite granites, have a fine texture due to rapid heat loss. On the other hand, granites like gabbro, which form through gradual cooling of molten materials, have a coarse-grained texture.

  1. Remarkable resistance and strength are characteristics of granite stone.
  2. Unlike limestone rocks, granite stone has a nearly zero porosity.
  3. The high density of granite stone contributes to its exceptional qualities.
  4. With its heavy weight, granite stone showcases its durability.
  5. Granite stone exhibits high resistance to impact, scratching, abrasion, and heat.
  6. Minimal water absorption is a notable feature of granite stone.
  7. Stain resistance is another advantage of granite stone.
  8. Granite stone offers excellent polishability, enhancing its visual appeal.
  9. Its high stain resistance further adds to the durability of granite stone.
  10. Granite stone can withstand heavy weight, making it suitable for various applications.

People extract these stones from various mines throughout the Earth’s crust. The diversity of minerals in the formation of this stone creates different appearances and color schemes.

Countries like Iran, Italy, Brazil, India, China, and Taiwan are involved in granite extraction, with each mine producing different types of granite. For instance, Iranian granites exhibit a coarse-grained texture and consist of transparent quartz and white to dark pink feldspar, devoid of veins or fossils. However, it should be noted that there are also some granites produced in Iran that deviate from this description and display a completely different appearance.

Iranian granites commonly occur in white, gray, black, red, and green colors, and miners extract them from mines located in various cities, including Natanz, Zahedan, Khorramdareh, Yazd, and Borujerd.

Prominent mines in Iran include Mashhad Pearl, Nehbandan, Kahouyi Green in Birjand, Jangali Green in Birjand, Khorramdareh, Turquoise, and Cotton Flower in Hamedan.

Variety of granites

1- Blue Pearl

Norway produces another beautiful stone called Blue Pearl. They process it as slabs and use it for wall cladding and flooring in interior spaces of buildings.

2- Ice White

Ice White is extracted in Brazil and commonly used in modern interior spaces, such as wall claddings and flooring in buildings. It has a light gray background color with metallic flecks, and its surface exhibits white and black veins.

3- White Alaska

One of the most beautiful and expensive granites is White Alaska, which extraction takes place in Brazil, and manufacturers process it as slabs. It earns recognition for its stunning appearance and high price.

4- Delicatus

Delicatus has a white background with dark veins on its surface. It has a clean and shiny appearance and serves as a material for kitchen countertops, flooring, and interior walls. People extract this stone in Brazil.

5- Fusion

Fusion is one of the most beautiful granites, characterized by a gray and light cream background with smoky, muted shades of white, green, blue, and orange. It is produced and extracted in Brazil and used in interior decoration of buildings.

6- Volga Blue

People know Volga Blue as one of the most durable granites. Miners extract it in Ukraine, and its surface displays a dark color with shades of dark gray and blue. Its high resistance and durability make it suitable for both interior and exterior spaces of buildings.

7- Birjand Forest

Birjand Forest, one of the most famous and best Iranian granites, exhibits a dark greenish-black color with yellow and lime veins, along with dark greenish-black and white specks on its surface. It finds usage in flooring and elevator surrounds.

8- Nehbandan

Nehbandan features a white background adorned with black and brown flowers. Moreover, producers extract and manufacture this stone in South Khorasan Province, specifically in Birjand. The mine of this stone is located in Nehbandan, which is situated in South Khorasan Province.

9- Khoramdareh

Various colors, such as brown, cream, and orange, have resulted from different climatic conditions in each region where granite extraction takes place. People use this stone in tabletops, cabinets, and more. The mines that produce Khoramdareh are located in the western part of Azerbaijan Province.

10-Neyshabur Black

Neyshabur Black has a white background with small black grains scattered uniformly on its surface.People use it in salons, bathrooms, kitchens, halls, busy areas, and more. They extract this stone in Neyshabur mines located in Isfahan Province.

11- Yazd Red

Yazd Red Granite is a popular type of granite from Yazd, Iran. It has a glossy red color with white particle patterns. This durable granite is widely used in construction for flooring, stairs, countertops, and building facades. It adds beauty and durability to both interior and exterior spaces.

12- Natanz Black

Natanz Black Granite is a dark and durable granite stone that features fine reddish-brown crystalline grains. It is extracted from the Neyshabur mine in Isfahan Province, Iran, and offers a wide range of variations. Due to its strength and aesthetic appeal, it is highly recommended for use in construction projects.

  1. The compact and non-porous nature of granite stone reduces its adhesion to mortar.
  2. The high processing cost
  3. Low color variety
  4. Poor permeability
  5. Lack of insulation against sound and heat
  6. There is a risk of detachment and falling from the building.
  7. The use of this stone is not suitable for high altitudes and facades.

Contact us for more information and prices of granite stones

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